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Monday, August 18, 2008

Two of my best kitchen secrets...

#1--You know how anything with a tomato based sauce leaves that ever-lasting orange/red stain on your tupperware?

Want to know how to get it out???

Well, simply put the tainted tupperware/plastic in direct sunlight for a day, and VOILA!!! Orange/red tint is gone. Bleached by the sun. Amazingly simple, I know, but it works, I promise. Extra bonus: it's free. You only need a sunny day.

#2--Tearing up everytime you cut those onions?

Want to know how to keep it from getting to you???
Put a piece of bread in your mouth as you cut and somehow it absorbs the fumes. I just take a bite and leave the rest hanging out. Amazing again, right? Try it out and let me know how it worked.

{I got these wonderfully useful tips from my SIL. She's great in the kitchen :0) }

Please share a secret or two, if you want, in the comment section.

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