Leave your comments. We want you to share your opinions and ideas. December: your holiday traditions.

Cauliflower is another member of the cruciferous family of vegetables along with broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and collard greens. Although cauliflower lacks the bright green of its other cruciferous cousins, it is far from lacking in nutritional value. Cauliflower is rich in vitamin C. In fact, one cup of raw cauliflower contains 92% of the daily value for vitamin C, almost as much vitamin C as a medium orange. It also contains health-promoting sulfur compounds.
Ok I know that it's not an official baby product, but I use my pizza cutter everyday. I cut all my kids foods with it into the perfect bite size pieces in a jiff. Don't ever let you're little ones play with it though. Not that any of you would, but there are still a few ding dongs in the world that would, so just in case one of the ding dongs is reading this:)

one of my favorite baby items was a nursing cover that my friend Charlie makes. It is called The Mommy Cover. I would just carry it in my diaper bag and then I didn't need to worry about nursing and trying to juggle a blanket and squirmy baby. Now, I know there are a lot of nursing covers out there, but this is the best I've seen. It has a reel that attaches across your back and it keeps it from slipping and sliding around. It was awesome. My sister and sister-in-law both bought one as well. My other sister, who just had a baby this week, is borrowing mine, since I don't need it anymore. Very awesome--I highly recommend.
My favorite stores for kids clothes are
THE CHILDREN'S PLACE or as I like to call it .... The Children's Palace, and TARGET!! I love these stores. I usually find everything I buy on sale or clearance at the most amazing prices evva!!
Dana used Baby Wise when she had Jonas. I couldn't believe he was such a good sleeper. I thought she was just lucky. But she told me that it was because of Baby Wise. I decided to try it with my second baby since my first was an awful sleeper. I'm a believer! I'm proud to say that I have a baby wise baby!
For those of you who don't already use this product, I must say it is fragrant goodness. Out of all the lotions and potions out there, this is by far numero uno on my list. I slather this yummy all over my little nuggets everyday. I highly recommend Baby Magic!
I must say that Baby Einstein is my best friend. Both of my kids started watching these amazing dvd's when they were about 3 months old. My 5 year old still loves them. These life savers are 30 minutes each of FREEDOM!! That's right. 30 minutes to do whatever you want. Feel free to leave some comments on your baby favs!!
So, I set up a blog (because I know how to do it pretty well) while our website is under construction. Check it out and pass it along to all who might be interested. It has a bunch of our product and I will just keep adding stuff until our site gets up and going.
My old college roommate just adopted a baby, so I thought for this month, we could share the BEST BABY ITEM you've used/received/etc. Please share as many as you like.
Also, in addition to posting about the theme, I would love to see posts about everyday stuff as well. Like when Albertson's is doing 10 for $10 cereal or something like that. Or if you find a great deal on the internet. DO share with the rest of us. I am always looking for coupons or deals like that. Thanks,
Happy Birthday Sweet Sister!