Saturday, September 20, 2008
Awesome Love Story....
Dear Girlfriends: Last night I happened upon a wonderful Love Story in blog kept me up half the night cuz I couldn't stop reading it! I promise you will LOVE it! Check it out only when you have several hours to sit and read cuz you won't want to stop! You can thank me later....Ps this may tide over any twilighters waiting for the movie release.....
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Next to my wedding ring...
Sunday, September 7, 2008
" complete me."

AHHHHH It really finishes an ensemble, like the frame to a picture, the mascara to your eye make-up, the vanilla in your cookies...have you ever left that out, not so good. Anyway, take any outfit and finish it off with jewelry and you look complete. Youv'e added that eye-catching sparkle, that something memorable. But, the best part is how it makes you feel. Is this corny or what? But it's true, you can't deny that you do feel a little prettier with jewelry on. That's why we love it!
So here's a question for you... How do you keep yours? In a box, a drawer, a bag, hanging on nails in your closet, on your bathroom counter? I'm looking for clever ideas on how to organize my jewelry. I want to keep it easily accesable, safe from my 6 and 8 year old daughters, and organized so I can find what I'm looking for fast. Please Share what works and what dosen't. :0)